yesterday 28/5, we have class outing again!!! After math,chem,gp, we go to the bustop to take 2 buses to the place to bowl..forget the name of the place..But we had a good time on the bus!!TOKING AND CRAPPING AWAY..Oya. but it's not really class outing...cause only 3 girls..ME,MICHELLE AND YUNYU..then 8 boys.. DJ, ZL, PERCY, WEITIAN, KASH, RICHARD, CHUNWEE, JUNHAO..
I did not play bowling cause money! haha.. but I GOT TRY!! first time when i reach that place, i hear the sound of ball and 'PONG!" then i really felt amazed that im actually standing in a bowling place...i've never been to one and i only see this place on tv during olympics..then they began to play for two rounds and we used two alleys...AND I CAN SAY WE GRP OURSELVES UP QUITE WELL!! haha, why? cause one grp is like all get points above 70, the other is below 60.. so we have the fore sight!! haha..then i got try carrying the ball.. and i got knocked down 6!!! hahaha not bad har?
Then the boys began to play.. cause junhao got one game where he left two pins at each side..
JH: "OH NO!! which one shld i aim!"
and yap, he really trow two~.so here goes...
no what happens? the 2 balls colide with each other and PONG! then one got off the alley.. ANOTHER GET STUCK IN THE GUTTER! STUCK!
then they decided to use another ball to knock that one in the gutter off.. then we see INELASTIC COLLISION!!
THAT ONE STUCK in the gutter got off..BUT THE BALL TO SAVED THAT STUCK BALL, got STUCK itself!! wa sei.. CHAO FUNNY..
to save that ball, MICHELLE run and take it...but then i noticed something.. she's carrying her own 8 BALL to take another 8 ball.. what the hell is she doing? Carrying her own ball and run to get the other..why dun she put down her ball first then go and take? WAO LAO..chao weird..
then after that we NEARLY BROKE DOWN A LIFT!! hahaha.. cause we like stand inside.. 8 boys.. 3 girls.. then junhao and dj JUMPED! Then... THE LIFT BEGAN TO "DIDIDIDIDI.."!! hahaha.. wao kao..then the lift began to close the door very slowly and keep dididididididididididi.. then the boys began to say.
"wao lao! who just GAIN WEIGHT!!"
we all quickly got out and go take another lift... haha.. lucky nothing is spoiled.then left 10 ppl cause yunyu go off..we take the shuttle bus.. 6.30pm..and we are going to eat dinner before going watch 7 O'CLOCK MOVIE!! and it's at causeway!!!!WAO LIAO!! how can we speed there so fast??but nevertheless, i transfer luozhixiang's XINGFULIEREN and zhangshaohan's AURORA from chun wee's phone to my phone!!! lucky that time during transferring my phone got batt..
Then we SQUEEEZED into the crammed MRT!! so crammed..AND MICHELLE AND I LIKE lesbian..cause i like lean on the side..then michelle no place to hold..so one hand put on the wall im leaning on.. then like so ..ERHEM..
but very funny ..cause i like put my head down and i can lean my head on her shoulder.. then we leaned on each other shoulder...SO ITCHY! I TELL U... IT'S SO DAMN ITCHY!! haha.. then when the mrt began to get less crowded, the boys began to play games abt wat fingers.. ur weak acue points..the hand..haha..then we all alight in woodlands.. meet serene and felicia..and go to cinema.. ALREADY 7.15! so we go in anyway..I FIRST TIME LATE FOR MOVIE!! but real cool...BLADES OF GLORY IS SO DAMN A!!! i tell u, so A ..but real nice!!
Then we eat at food court..I EAT CHAR SIEW RICE AND TAUSUAN..i can say im real hungry ..and after i eat finish my rice the other ppl just started eating.. then hang around till 9.30..then GO HOME!!! not bad day..
29 May 2007
27 May 2007
ME GOT NEW HP!!!!WHOOTS!~hahaha...i FINALLY GOT HP..It's the latest Nokia Xpress Music Series 5300!! Slide up phone! DEDICATED MUSIC KEYS AT THE SIDE!! And a phone that got MP3!! WAI SAI...I NEVER TOT I WILL HAVE SUCH A PHONE THAT CAN COPY MUSIC FROM COM...YAHOOOO!!hahax..too emo...but really HAPPY..cause i first time touch a phone THAT IS MINE , a phone that can put music DIRECTLY FROM CD INTO IT...like so COOL...my phone can even put PICS INTO THE COM!! WA SEI...so damn cool.. so im putting here the photos i took from my phone...

SHENGSHENG..not tat i biased only take qianqian..but because i haven upload shengsheng'sphotoss..anyway he's the COOLEERtort of the 2...

first up.. MY TORTOISE QIANQIAN!!! pronounced as di 2 and 3 sheng..(lightgreen..)

SHENGSHENG..not tat i biased only take qianqian..but because i haven upload shengsheng'sphotoss..anyway he's the COOLEERtort of the 2...

THEIR EGG!!!they got so many eggs liao..abt 6.. and ALL DIED..but i dun even no if they will hatch in the first place...
(erm..i know it's quite scary lah.. ahhaha so SHE BEG ME NOT TO PUT HER PHOTOS UP...OK LOR..haha)
MY IDOLS!!! *SCREAM*183club!!! WANG SHAO WEI!! I created a yahoo grp...http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/samwangshaowei/
ok...enough photos for 1 entry...or else u will think im CRAZY WITH MY PHONE..C YA!!!
25 May 2007
One of your great strengths is your sensitivity. You tune in easily to the psyches of other people and, while you may not notice the color of their eyes, have an almost eerie understanding of their private inner worlds. Your close ties are very private.
Your emotional needs were not met when you were growing up and there was nothing you could do about it. Even today, you tend not to express anger or pain or resentment except when you are in an infrequent rage. This is a problem in close relationships.
You are assertive without being overly aggressive and usually go after what you want with confidence and enthusiasm. You enjoy sex and your partners tend to be dynamic, successful people. Your natural energy and moxie is usually sexually interesting to others.
Your sense of humor is one of your outstanding qualities. It usually manifests as a rather wry wit. Anyone you're close to must share this sense of irony. You probably have a special talent or an absorbing interest. Your closest ties are likewise involved.
You have a quality people trust and you are often sought after as a confidante or an advisor. You have high moral and ethical standards and it is imperative that anyone you're close to is a person of the highest integrity. You prefer well-educated people.
Your emotional needs were not met when you were growing up and there was nothing you could do about it. Even today, you tend not to express anger or pain or resentment except when you are in an infrequent rage. This is a problem in close relationships.
You are assertive without being overly aggressive and usually go after what you want with confidence and enthusiasm. You enjoy sex and your partners tend to be dynamic, successful people. Your natural energy and moxie is usually sexually interesting to others.
Your sense of humor is one of your outstanding qualities. It usually manifests as a rather wry wit. Anyone you're close to must share this sense of irony. You probably have a special talent or an absorbing interest. Your closest ties are likewise involved.
You have a quality people trust and you are often sought after as a confidante or an advisor. You have high moral and ethical standards and it is imperative that anyone you're close to is a person of the highest integrity. You prefer well-educated people.
24 May 2007
hahax..tests again..
Power struggles plague your relationships. Either you become the dominant partner out of a fear of being controlled or you become very passive, controlling indirectly through guilt or manipulation. Your father may have been emotionally abusive to you.
(ha?my father? emotionaly abused me? WHERE GOT?)
You have an innovative turn of mind and may have a talent for an unusual subject. Your ideas are often considered to be ahead of your time. You can be somewhat impersonal and detached - even with close ties. You need to share controversial ideas with friends.
(i AGREE that sometimes i think out of the box...im AHEAD OF MY TIME...sometimes i just think and imagined too much.. a GIFT and a FLAW..)
You know things intuitively as well as rationally and have a rare capacity to perceive in others feelings, thoughts and dreams they may never have openly shared. Anyone close to you would have to share your love of music and interest in spiritual thought.
(YA!!! I LOVE MUSIC.. those who forbade me to dance of sing or listen to music..JUST KILL ME)
You're not awfully good at being disagreed with. You delve into matters, think them through thoroughly and expect your conclusions to be universally shared. Flexibility is not your strong suit. No one should try to lie to you or keep things from you. Somehow you ferret out others' secrets although you keep your own.
waaa SEI!! the last point is so damn JUN!!ANYONE WHO TRY TO CHEAT ME AND TOY WITH ME..U BETTER WATCH OUT..remember i can Somehow ferret out others' secrets although i keep my own... CHAO JUN DE...
(ha?my father? emotionaly abused me? WHERE GOT?)
You have an innovative turn of mind and may have a talent for an unusual subject. Your ideas are often considered to be ahead of your time. You can be somewhat impersonal and detached - even with close ties. You need to share controversial ideas with friends.
(i AGREE that sometimes i think out of the box...im AHEAD OF MY TIME...sometimes i just think and imagined too much.. a GIFT and a FLAW..)
You know things intuitively as well as rationally and have a rare capacity to perceive in others feelings, thoughts and dreams they may never have openly shared. Anyone close to you would have to share your love of music and interest in spiritual thought.
(YA!!! I LOVE MUSIC.. those who forbade me to dance of sing or listen to music..JUST KILL ME)
You're not awfully good at being disagreed with. You delve into matters, think them through thoroughly and expect your conclusions to be universally shared. Flexibility is not your strong suit. No one should try to lie to you or keep things from you. Somehow you ferret out others' secrets although you keep your own.
waaa SEI!! the last point is so damn JUN!!ANYONE WHO TRY TO CHEAT ME AND TOY WITH ME..U BETTER WATCH OUT..remember i can Somehow ferret out others' secrets although i keep my own... CHAO JUN DE...
22 May 2007
random tests
i go take the test that says WHAT DOES UR EYES REVEAL?
Kind and genuine, you're the sort of gal who's always looking out for others and being a great friend. You have a big heart and can't help but open it up to those you're close with. When you're that pretty on the inside, you can't help but be beautiful on the outside, too.When it comes to makeup, you like to keep things light and low-key. But that doesn't mean you don't enjoy getting dolled up on special occasions. And when you do, we'd guess you only add to your already sparkling and sweet self. You glow girl!
and the results...
Ding, your eyes say you're Sincerely Sweet
Kind and genuine, you're the sort of gal who's always looking out for others and being a great friend. You have a big heart and can't help but open it up to those you're close with. When you're that pretty on the inside, you can't help but be beautiful on the outside, too.When it comes to makeup, you like to keep things light and low-key. But that doesn't mean you don't enjoy getting dolled up on special occasions. And when you do, we'd guess you only add to your already sparkling and sweet self. You glow girl!
looking at this pic... i think the test is QUITE TRUE RITE? hahaha..
21 May 2007
haha..today after chi lesson and oral...i think everyone really need a break...we all AGREE to eat at BPP to eat KFC...I at first want go.. then decided not to go cause me NO MONEY! and i tot no one is going.. So i bought chicken rice and ate it...Just rite after my chicken rice..I saw ALL OF MY CLASSMATES BEGAN TO STAND UP AND PULL UP THEIR BAGS.. wao liao.. I TOT NO ONE IS GOING!! someone ask me if i want go, i say no...and realised they are all going!! but not all lah..liboon is so kelian need to do chi things..hilda dun no where she need go..sam..jane go watch her movie... BUT I think there are 6 girls and abt 9 boys there.. SO IT'S FUN!! IT'S REALLY FUN!!! so in the end me and michelle got go..
We go BPP, eat kfc..I AT FIRST DUN WANT BUY ANYTHING.. CAUSE NO MONEY !!! haha.. then as i sat there.. michelle let me drink her pepsi as she also can't drink finish.. then the girls gave me eat some cheese fries.. IN THE END IM FULL!! FREE FOOD!! haha.. i always get free food when i go out with my friends... haha.
then they say want go see movie NEXT. but how can i go... i only left 2 dollars and few cents in my pokemon wallet.... Then my ezlink also no money... IN THE END, i borrows 10 dollars from michelle!! THANKS MI!!!we take the LRT TO CCK MRT STATION..then go LOT 1
we had a REALL FUNN TIME OUTSIDE THE CINEMA!! THERE'S A POSTER OUTSIDE.. LIKE A MUSCULAR MAN BUT WITH NO HEAD..then got a sexy lady standing beside..Then the boys become engrossed with that thing.. KEEP TAKING PHOTO..and i can say..THEIR FACE.. REALLY DUN MATCH THAT BODY!!! REALLY!! TOOO.............VAST DIFFERENCE..
We finally bought the tickets.. and before we go in we choose our tickets... I GET G-15..but in the end they still anyhow sat..but i continue to sit at G-15..At first they go in.. 1 ROW GIRLS... I ROW BOYS..so boring.. then serene keep saying next time we just have a GIRL'S OUTING.. anyway in the end they got changed.. and i was nearly dozing away on that SO-COMFY SEAT!!! I CAN TELL U .. I NEVER SAT ON ANY CINEMA SEAT THAT'S SO DAMN SOFT AND BOUNCY..SO NICe!! so they at first say..
In the end as girls lesser than boys...
WAHAHHAHA!! SO FUNNY!! AND i get 2!!SHAUN AND PERCY!! haha.. just kidding.. not really so emo lah.. just sit lor...anyway u are not really touching each other...just sit side by side mah..
I CAN SAY...NEXT.. IS A GOOD MOVIE... AT THE START! the front part is reall good... abt this man who can see things in the future.. and 6TH SENSE... but in the end.. I REALLY HATE THAT MOVIE..
IS it that the director had no time to have a finish one or he dun have money?? THERE'S NO ENDING!!! AND I HATE... ABHOR..NO-ENDING MOVIES!! SO WASTE MY TIME!!!ARGH!! and i will be the type who will ponder on the movie even after i walked out of the theartre.. so i REALLY REALLY HATE NO ENDING MOVIES..cause i will keep feelling im cheated of my money.. i dun no why.. i keep feeling that way..
Anyway, those of u who want go watch movie.. can think whether to invite yunyu with u.. she's the one who really know how to cast a scary and exciting atmosphere.. esp in action packed movies!! HER SCREAMS... haha..damn EXPLOSIVE!! im not scared when the whole screen gets exploded or when there's a scary part.. i m scared when YUNYU SCREAM! haha.. but she really cool , can scream so sharp..
anyway.. after the movie.. we keep sitting there.. watching the credits going blankly on the screen... i think it's because the ending is so abrupt.. and i think we are all just thinking back.. recollecting our feelings..then suddenly we realised all the other audience had go away.. only the PIONEERS..and even the auntie had come in to sweep the floor.. then i realised we must go out..WHY? CAUSE IT'S THE END OF MOVIE!! WAT ELSE!!?? hahaha...
After that is about 5.45pm.. and finally i took mrt home with felicia and richard..
haha..today after chi lesson and oral...i think everyone really need a break...we all AGREE to eat at BPP to eat KFC...I at first want go.. then decided not to go cause me NO MONEY! and i tot no one is going.. So i bought chicken rice and ate it...Just rite after my chicken rice..I saw ALL OF MY CLASSMATES BEGAN TO STAND UP AND PULL UP THEIR BAGS.. wao liao.. I TOT NO ONE IS GOING!! someone ask me if i want go, i say no...and realised they are all going!! but not all lah..liboon is so kelian need to do chi things..hilda dun no where she need go..sam..jane go watch her movie... BUT I think there are 6 girls and abt 9 boys there.. SO IT'S FUN!! IT'S REALLY FUN!!! so in the end me and michelle got go..
We go BPP, eat kfc..I AT FIRST DUN WANT BUY ANYTHING.. CAUSE NO MONEY !!! haha.. then as i sat there.. michelle let me drink her pepsi as she also can't drink finish.. then the girls gave me eat some cheese fries.. IN THE END IM FULL!! FREE FOOD!! haha.. i always get free food when i go out with my friends... haha.
then they say want go see movie NEXT. but how can i go... i only left 2 dollars and few cents in my pokemon wallet.... Then my ezlink also no money... IN THE END, i borrows 10 dollars from michelle!! THANKS MI!!!we take the LRT TO CCK MRT STATION..then go LOT 1
we had a REALL FUNN TIME OUTSIDE THE CINEMA!! THERE'S A POSTER OUTSIDE.. LIKE A MUSCULAR MAN BUT WITH NO HEAD..then got a sexy lady standing beside..Then the boys become engrossed with that thing.. KEEP TAKING PHOTO..and i can say..THEIR FACE.. REALLY DUN MATCH THAT BODY!!! REALLY!! TOOO.............VAST DIFFERENCE..
We finally bought the tickets.. and before we go in we choose our tickets... I GET G-15..but in the end they still anyhow sat..but i continue to sit at G-15..At first they go in.. 1 ROW GIRLS... I ROW BOYS..so boring.. then serene keep saying next time we just have a GIRL'S OUTING.. anyway in the end they got changed.. and i was nearly dozing away on that SO-COMFY SEAT!!! I CAN TELL U .. I NEVER SAT ON ANY CINEMA SEAT THAT'S SO DAMN SOFT AND BOUNCY..SO NICe!! so they at first say..
In the end as girls lesser than boys...
WAHAHHAHA!! SO FUNNY!! AND i get 2!!SHAUN AND PERCY!! haha.. just kidding.. not really so emo lah.. just sit lor...anyway u are not really touching each other...just sit side by side mah..
I CAN SAY...NEXT.. IS A GOOD MOVIE... AT THE START! the front part is reall good... abt this man who can see things in the future.. and 6TH SENSE... but in the end.. I REALLY HATE THAT MOVIE..
IS it that the director had no time to have a finish one or he dun have money?? THERE'S NO ENDING!!! AND I HATE... ABHOR..NO-ENDING MOVIES!! SO WASTE MY TIME!!!ARGH!! and i will be the type who will ponder on the movie even after i walked out of the theartre.. so i REALLY REALLY HATE NO ENDING MOVIES..cause i will keep feelling im cheated of my money.. i dun no why.. i keep feeling that way..
Anyway, those of u who want go watch movie.. can think whether to invite yunyu with u.. she's the one who really know how to cast a scary and exciting atmosphere.. esp in action packed movies!! HER SCREAMS... haha..damn EXPLOSIVE!! im not scared when the whole screen gets exploded or when there's a scary part.. i m scared when YUNYU SCREAM! haha.. but she really cool , can scream so sharp..
anyway.. after the movie.. we keep sitting there.. watching the credits going blankly on the screen... i think it's because the ending is so abrupt.. and i think we are all just thinking back.. recollecting our feelings..then suddenly we realised all the other audience had go away.. only the PIONEERS..and even the auntie had come in to sweep the floor.. then i realised we must go out..WHY? CAUSE IT'S THE END OF MOVIE!! WAT ELSE!!?? hahaha...
After that is about 5.45pm.. and finally i took mrt home with felicia and richard..
20 May 2007
pw meeting?
today 20/5/07,i got pw meeting...ACTUALLY IT'S NOT EVEN A MEETING!! haha..
anyway, they at first say on fri it's on SAT,10 AM,woodland library. then i wake up at 9.15 am and nearly walked out of home when zl call me and asked if really got pw meeting..IN THE END DUN HAVE!! wao liao eh..but i got to sleep again...
Then today they say 10 am again in woodlands library, so i woke up at 9.15am..walked out of home by 9.35,go buy MY FAVOURITE MR.BEAN CHEESE PANCAKE AND SOYABEAN MILK!! (YUMYUM!) and reach woodlands mrt by 10 SHARP. then i waited as i drink my milk and eat my delicious cheese pancake...(waoliao...the cheese is SUPPPERR NICE...)then until 10.35 am, i can't wait anymore then go use public phone called anum then dejin.. WTH,they are already in the library!! so i slowly walked there..anyway im late haha...and im not late at the first place..
Walked around level 2 of library STUPIDLY,and i can't find them!! so i decided to go to first floor and use public phone call again...(that's the bad point of no hp) then as i travelled down the elescator... I LOOK UP, AND SAW TWO GUYS POINTING AT MY DIRECTION FROM A SEAT NEAR THE WINDOW..wao kao...they are just sitted right there and i didn't even see them!! anyway, i dun even realised that boy wearing the jacket is dejin..look quite different ..SO I WALKED BACK UP AGAIN, and finally found dejin and liboon already there..
Then zl cum at 10.55, we go searched books and references.. and in the meantime, Liboon gave me watched some jap animae and the videos CHAO JI BIANBAINBIAN is so nice!! JAP PPL REALLY IS CREATIVE..then watched jap animae ,nai-e A'S...dunno its real name.. Then we crap around as usual..and funny things happen again..
DJ: (while listening to music) (say LOUDLY)EH,LIBOON,LIBOON,THAT BOOKS RITE .......
DJ: (taking down his earpiece) HA??? (STILL VERY LOUDLY)
DJ: (immediately speak softly) haa? really ah? paiseh paiseh... (blush)
HAHAHAHA, i really adviSe anyone who is using the library to NOT TO LISTEN TO MUSIC WHILE STUDYING..cause u never know when u are going to speak..AND U NEVER SHLD UNDERESTIMATE UR PITCH... and i can vowed that all the ppl studying within 10 metres radii from us know who is liboon liao...
So, FROM 11AM TO 1PM...we did NOTHING!!! EXCEPT MEET UP AND TALKED...'_' " but we got at least go find references and let them 'BAI MEI'.. anyway today only me,zl,dj,liboon there..ANUM AH!! she everytime not here.. but not her fault lah..she got what malay class and religious class every sat and sun...dun know why they have that..
so today PW MEETING (SAME AS LAST TIME)= CRAP TIME!! YEAH!! hao ban orr!!! tao hao le!!! zhen hao wan!! haha...DOTS... but fun is better than fight right.. ya so good lah!! END HERE!! :)
anyway, they at first say on fri it's on SAT,10 AM,woodland library. then i wake up at 9.15 am and nearly walked out of home when zl call me and asked if really got pw meeting..IN THE END DUN HAVE!! wao liao eh..but i got to sleep again...
Then today they say 10 am again in woodlands library, so i woke up at 9.15am..walked out of home by 9.35,go buy MY FAVOURITE MR.BEAN CHEESE PANCAKE AND SOYABEAN MILK!! (YUMYUM!) and reach woodlands mrt by 10 SHARP. then i waited as i drink my milk and eat my delicious cheese pancake...(waoliao...the cheese is SUPPPERR NICE...)then until 10.35 am, i can't wait anymore then go use public phone called anum then dejin.. WTH,they are already in the library!! so i slowly walked there..anyway im late haha...and im not late at the first place..
Walked around level 2 of library STUPIDLY,and i can't find them!! so i decided to go to first floor and use public phone call again...(that's the bad point of no hp) then as i travelled down the elescator... I LOOK UP, AND SAW TWO GUYS POINTING AT MY DIRECTION FROM A SEAT NEAR THE WINDOW..wao kao...they are just sitted right there and i didn't even see them!! anyway, i dun even realised that boy wearing the jacket is dejin..look quite different ..SO I WALKED BACK UP AGAIN, and finally found dejin and liboon already there..
Then zl cum at 10.55, we go searched books and references.. and in the meantime, Liboon gave me watched some jap animae and the videos CHAO JI BIANBAINBIAN is so nice!! JAP PPL REALLY IS CREATIVE..then watched jap animae ,nai-e A'S...dunno its real name.. Then we crap around as usual..and funny things happen again..
DJ: (while listening to music) (say LOUDLY)EH,LIBOON,LIBOON,THAT BOOKS RITE .......
DJ: (taking down his earpiece) HA??? (STILL VERY LOUDLY)
DJ: (immediately speak softly) haa? really ah? paiseh paiseh... (blush)
HAHAHAHA, i really adviSe anyone who is using the library to NOT TO LISTEN TO MUSIC WHILE STUDYING..cause u never know when u are going to speak..AND U NEVER SHLD UNDERESTIMATE UR PITCH... and i can vowed that all the ppl studying within 10 metres radii from us know who is liboon liao...
So, FROM 11AM TO 1PM...we did NOTHING!!! EXCEPT MEET UP AND TALKED...'_' " but we got at least go find references and let them 'BAI MEI'.. anyway today only me,zl,dj,liboon there..ANUM AH!! she everytime not here.. but not her fault lah..she got what malay class and religious class every sat and sun...dun know why they have that..
so today PW MEETING (SAME AS LAST TIME)= CRAP TIME!! YEAH!! hao ban orr!!! tao hao le!!! zhen hao wan!! haha...DOTS... but fun is better than fight right.. ya so good lah!! END HERE!! :)
18 May 2007
Wao kao....i got detention man!!! first time ever... i last time sec sch got lah.. but only until 6..
Yesterday, huifen and i got detention cause we are LATE FOR 1 TIME,but very late abt 8.55am..i also felt its very late.. but we got detention man!! FOR 1 TIME!! NOT ONLY DETENTION, WE GOT TO WEAR TIE DURING TUESDAY!! cause they say mon late means u did not wear tie and u got to wear it until 12 noon!!! so damn sui...other ppl late for 2 times nth ...just a few warning...ME LEH? 1ST TIME LATE,NEED WEAR TIE,DETENTION FROM 6 TO 8,PHONE CALL FROM MRCHAN,AND MAKES ME FEEL SO DAMN SUIIIIII...
Anyway, if i look at another positive light, actually the punishments are a valuble experience!! I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO TRY TO HAVE DETENTION ONCE!! TO BE LATE ON MONDAY!!hahaha me siao liao.. no why?
2)I got to stay in sch till 8!! EIGHT!! AND IT'S SO DAMN COOL cause it's like u can do all your hw there and not being distracted by the com at home and when u go home u can sleep before 10!! and that place real breezy... and i get to be the secretary there CAUSE I SCAN PPL ICS AND CAN TOUCH THE LAPTOP THERE.. so fun..
Overall, i feel that...IM IN LOVE WITH DETENTION!! ^^
Yesterday, huifen and i got detention cause we are LATE FOR 1 TIME,but very late abt 8.55am..i also felt its very late.. but we got detention man!! FOR 1 TIME!! NOT ONLY DETENTION, WE GOT TO WEAR TIE DURING TUESDAY!! cause they say mon late means u did not wear tie and u got to wear it until 12 noon!!! so damn sui...other ppl late for 2 times nth ...just a few warning...ME LEH? 1ST TIME LATE,NEED WEAR TIE,DETENTION FROM 6 TO 8,PHONE CALL FROM MRCHAN,AND MAKES ME FEEL SO DAMN SUIIIIII...
Anyway, if i look at another positive light, actually the punishments are a valuble experience!! I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO TRY TO HAVE DETENTION ONCE!! TO BE LATE ON MONDAY!!hahaha me siao liao.. no why?
2)I got to stay in sch till 8!! EIGHT!! AND IT'S SO DAMN COOL cause it's like u can do all your hw there and not being distracted by the com at home and when u go home u can sleep before 10!! and that place real breezy... and i get to be the secretary there CAUSE I SCAN PPL ICS AND CAN TOUCH THE LAPTOP THERE.. so fun..
Overall, i feel that...IM IN LOVE WITH DETENTION!! ^^
16 May 2007
wao sei.. finally can blog... thanks to those admin who solve this problem... i think millions of ppl are typing now...
anyway today 16/5/07, I FINALLY FINISH MY NAPHA 2.4KM AND all those horrid stations!!
My run 15.30 something minutes.. GOOD LEH!! first time so good!!And surprisingly after i run finish i dun feel mentally tired.. and i dun sweat buckets!! waaaa, and i sort of can't remember the time when im running... it's like im unconcious while the 2.4, and i just keep looking at the feet and say 'GOGOGO..." And i feel my breathing in tact, my heart beating as one, and just keep ,breathe in,step 1 time,breathe out, step another time, 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2... and i FINISHED!! my standing broad jump so funny!! that time when mrhiap still taking my jump, i was s o nervous and keep getting 145 cm. then when he go away, with some other ppl advices, i finally jump 155!! EXCEPT........MR HIAP WAS NOT THERE!! and it's not valid lo.. but i get 153cm. pass can le...no need 160... and i really peifu the boys... 206 or something TO PASS.
YA...and school is ok.. pw is not really as hateful as some ppl said... to me lah... cause u get to work with ppl u normally dun click with, and interact with ppl ... I think it's the work and meetings that making everyone hate pw... the time really can be used to do other more meaningful stuff...LIKE SLEEPING. O,did i say meaningful? ooooo i think it is. haha
ANyway, last week of term 2!!! at least the holiday is still call A HOLIDAY, we no need wake up so early and can go home early... then we can have class outing too!! HAO BAN OOO!! TAI SUAN LE!! CHAO COOL DE!! hahahaha... k, end here. :)
wao sei.. finally can blog... thanks to those admin who solve this problem... i think millions of ppl are typing now...
anyway today 16/5/07, I FINALLY FINISH MY NAPHA 2.4KM AND all those horrid stations!!
My run 15.30 something minutes.. GOOD LEH!! first time so good!!And surprisingly after i run finish i dun feel mentally tired.. and i dun sweat buckets!! waaaa, and i sort of can't remember the time when im running... it's like im unconcious while the 2.4, and i just keep looking at the feet and say 'GOGOGO..." And i feel my breathing in tact, my heart beating as one, and just keep ,breathe in,step 1 time,breathe out, step another time, 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2... and i FINISHED!! my standing broad jump so funny!! that time when mrhiap still taking my jump, i was s o nervous and keep getting 145 cm. then when he go away, with some other ppl advices, i finally jump 155!! EXCEPT........MR HIAP WAS NOT THERE!! and it's not valid lo.. but i get 153cm. pass can le...no need 160... and i really peifu the boys... 206 or something TO PASS.
YA...and school is ok.. pw is not really as hateful as some ppl said... to me lah... cause u get to work with ppl u normally dun click with, and interact with ppl ... I think it's the work and meetings that making everyone hate pw... the time really can be used to do other more meaningful stuff...LIKE SLEEPING. O,did i say meaningful? ooooo i think it is. haha
ANyway, last week of term 2!!! at least the holiday is still call A HOLIDAY, we no need wake up so early and can go home early... then we can have class outing too!! HAO BAN OOO!! TAI SUAN LE!! CHAO COOL DE!! hahahaha... k, end here. :)
09 May 2007
i go to this Tickle webpage http://web.tickle.com/tests/zodiac/... it says it match u to Zodiac of another person... a ZODIAC MATCH... so i go try and .. the results are....
Ding, the best match for your personality is Libra
Libra, the Scales (September 24 to October 23): This idealistic yet easygoing partner is just your type. Initially, a Libra partner may catch your attention with their elegant charm and attentiveness during courtship. But as you get to know them better, you're likely to be even more drawn to your Libra's appreciation for beauty and fairness, as well as their peaceful disposition. People born under this sign are known for being romantic partners who have an excellent ability to build and grow an egalitarian relationship. Librans may seem to be a bit lazy to you at times. However, their love of pleasure can be a benefit, too — one that can roust both of you from falling into boring relationship routines. In the bedroom, you'll likely find the Scales to be both creative and driven, with a significant sexual appetite. In general, Libras are flirtatious, talkative people who are almost always open to amusing distractions.
Are the predictions correct? HAR? LIBRA PPL PLEASE leave some reply..are libras really like tat?? lol...BUT, THIS IS NOT ALL....
Although Libra is your strongest Zodiac Match, your responses indicate there are a number of other astrological signs that you're highly compatible with.
ahha!! haha.. not only LIBRA LA... sia si ren... BUT, i will keep a look out for LIBRAS... HAHAHA.. LIBRA GUYS.. WATCH OUT!! hehehe.. :)
Ding, the best match for your personality is Libra
Libra, the Scales (September 24 to October 23): This idealistic yet easygoing partner is just your type. Initially, a Libra partner may catch your attention with their elegant charm and attentiveness during courtship. But as you get to know them better, you're likely to be even more drawn to your Libra's appreciation for beauty and fairness, as well as their peaceful disposition. People born under this sign are known for being romantic partners who have an excellent ability to build and grow an egalitarian relationship. Librans may seem to be a bit lazy to you at times. However, their love of pleasure can be a benefit, too — one that can roust both of you from falling into boring relationship routines. In the bedroom, you'll likely find the Scales to be both creative and driven, with a significant sexual appetite. In general, Libras are flirtatious, talkative people who are almost always open to amusing distractions.
Are the predictions correct? HAR? LIBRA PPL PLEASE leave some reply..are libras really like tat?? lol...BUT, THIS IS NOT ALL....
Although Libra is your strongest Zodiac Match, your responses indicate there are a number of other astrological signs that you're highly compatible with.
ahha!! haha.. not only LIBRA LA... sia si ren... BUT, i will keep a look out for LIBRAS... HAHAHA.. LIBRA GUYS.. WATCH OUT!! hehehe.. :)
06 May 2007
Moi personalised astrology profile
YEAH!! Free Sample Personal Astrology Profile FOR ME!!! from astrology.com again..
You appear gentle and soft, and you act rather reserved with others until you know them well and feel it is safe to be open with them. You have a strong need for emotional security and a sense of belonging, and are deeply attached to the past: your heritage, roots, family, cherished friends, familiar places, etc. Making radical changes or moves away from what is known and safe can be very painful and difficult for you. You tend to cling and hold on to people, memories, possessions of personal or sentimental significance. Having a home, a safe haven, is very important to you.
You are a steadfast and patient soul, capable of tremendous devotion, dedication, endurance, and constancy. The ability to follow through and stick with things is one of your greatest assets. Once your course is set, you pursue it tenaciously until it is completed, stubbornly resisting any attempts to sway you from your purpose.
RIGHT? are these predictions correct?? haha.. HAPPY BDAE HUIFEN!!HEHE
You appear gentle and soft, and you act rather reserved with others until you know them well and feel it is safe to be open with them. You have a strong need for emotional security and a sense of belonging, and are deeply attached to the past: your heritage, roots, family, cherished friends, familiar places, etc. Making radical changes or moves away from what is known and safe can be very painful and difficult for you. You tend to cling and hold on to people, memories, possessions of personal or sentimental significance. Having a home, a safe haven, is very important to you.
You are a steadfast and patient soul, capable of tremendous devotion, dedication, endurance, and constancy. The ability to follow through and stick with things is one of your greatest assets. Once your course is set, you pursue it tenaciously until it is completed, stubbornly resisting any attempts to sway you from your purpose.
RIGHT? are these predictions correct?? haha.. HAPPY BDAE HUIFEN!!HEHE
05 May 2007
366 DAYS TO MY 18TH BIRTHDAE!! hahaha
here's my birthday horoscope... from astrology.com again..i just am so superstitious...but one ear come in ...absorb50 percent...another ear go out..
Free Sample Solar Return Birthday Reading for Ding
Birth Date and Time..... May 6, 1990 10:12 AM
Birth Location............. Singapore, Singapore
Sun Sign.................... Taurus
Sun Aspects Uranus Uranus aspecting the Sun suggests that the individual desires to make changes, possibly in rapid succession. Generally, any solar return year that has a major Uranus-Sun aspect also has a corresponding significant life change or development such as a pregnancy or birth, career or job transfer, relocation, illness, etc. Changes tend to be more disruptive and less controllable when they involve a conjunction, square or opposition aspect, but all aspects can ultimately indicate beneficial changes. Issues involving boredom versus originality, or creativity and freedom versus restriction, are common.
Sun Aspects Saturn Sun-Saturn aspects in the solar return chart tend to imply a sense of structure. Whether this structure becomes supportive or restrictive is up to the individual's ability to handle Saturnian issues in a positive manner. This is not meant to be a depressing time, but it does entail stark realism. Accurate perceptions of existing situations are essential to either accepting or changing future expectations. The refusal to accept responsibility for one's own life situation or to work within obvious limitations can lead to frustration, isolation, and loneliness. Limitations are not an essential characteristic of Saturnian aspects, but denote a need to be more realistic and patient. Changes are slow and involve careful planning, hard work, and discipline. Many times a major project is being worked on for most of the year.
Sun Aspects Mercury Just as in the natal chart, the solar return Sun is never more than 28 degrees from Mercury so does not form any major aspects other than the conjunction. Mercury conjunct the Sun indicates that the intellectual mind is actively involved in the goals of the Sun. Reading, writing, learning, and communication in all forms will be important to the pursuit.
Mercury Aspects Neptune Neptune in aspect to Mercury in the solar return chart suggests working with the less clearly defined psychological drives such as compassion, creativity, and spirituality. Your sensitivity to subtle emotional connections among all people increases your concern for certain individuals in particular and humanity as a whole. You are able to acquire information through intuitive and psychic insights. Dealing with these subtle themes can lead to some uncertainty and confusion in the thinking process. Increased intuitive or psychic awareness can precede the ability to weigh this information for its accuracy. It is sometimes difficult to discriminate between what is really psychic and what is more closely akin to worry, fear, or false hope. It is also difficult to find practical applications for idealistic concepts and inspirations which are represented by this combination. Therefore, stress can sometimes be associated with the more spiritual manifestations of Neptune-Mercury aspects.
Mercury Aspects Uranus Uranus-Mercury aspects suggest that you are open to new ideas which may take the form of new information you are learning or new concepts you are developing yourself. These aspects can show great creativity since they imply that the individual is able to approach problems from many different angles and is not locked into one structured way of thinking. Use this time to be innovative and original. Brainstorm with others. But, because your mind is somewhat unstructured, your ability to think clearly may be interrupted by erratic impulses and an inability to concentrate over any length of time. New information may be more exciting than reorganizing what you already know. If you must work on a major project that requires sustained mental energy, take frequent breaks.
Mercury Aspects Saturn Saturn aspecting Mercury suggests a more serious and structured perception of reality. Life is organized in such a way that decisions and changes have serious consequences. Choices may be studied in depth before decisions are made. For some, there will be no good and clear choice. Dilemma situations can plague the Mercury-Saturn combination. It is likely that at least one major decision will be made during the year. Sometimes this decision is made under stress and usually it involves great responsibility. For these reasons, the individual tends to be conservative. He or she is looking for changes that produce greater stability, not chaos.
Mercury Aspects Mars Mars-Mercury aspects suggest an energetic thought process. This can be a time of great mental energy and an active search for knowledge. Your mind should be quick and alert, though not necessarily highly retentive. Learning can be very exciting and self-perpetuating even if you study alone.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY 18TH BIRTHDAY...that is 366 days away.. haha
here's my birthday horoscope... from astrology.com again..i just am so superstitious...but one ear come in ...absorb50 percent...another ear go out..
Free Sample Solar Return Birthday Reading for Ding
Birth Date and Time..... May 6, 1990 10:12 AM
Birth Location............. Singapore, Singapore
Sun Sign.................... Taurus
Sun Aspects Uranus Uranus aspecting the Sun suggests that the individual desires to make changes, possibly in rapid succession. Generally, any solar return year that has a major Uranus-Sun aspect also has a corresponding significant life change or development such as a pregnancy or birth, career or job transfer, relocation, illness, etc. Changes tend to be more disruptive and less controllable when they involve a conjunction, square or opposition aspect, but all aspects can ultimately indicate beneficial changes. Issues involving boredom versus originality, or creativity and freedom versus restriction, are common.
Sun Aspects Saturn Sun-Saturn aspects in the solar return chart tend to imply a sense of structure. Whether this structure becomes supportive or restrictive is up to the individual's ability to handle Saturnian issues in a positive manner. This is not meant to be a depressing time, but it does entail stark realism. Accurate perceptions of existing situations are essential to either accepting or changing future expectations. The refusal to accept responsibility for one's own life situation or to work within obvious limitations can lead to frustration, isolation, and loneliness. Limitations are not an essential characteristic of Saturnian aspects, but denote a need to be more realistic and patient. Changes are slow and involve careful planning, hard work, and discipline. Many times a major project is being worked on for most of the year.
Sun Aspects Mercury Just as in the natal chart, the solar return Sun is never more than 28 degrees from Mercury so does not form any major aspects other than the conjunction. Mercury conjunct the Sun indicates that the intellectual mind is actively involved in the goals of the Sun. Reading, writing, learning, and communication in all forms will be important to the pursuit.
Mercury Aspects Neptune Neptune in aspect to Mercury in the solar return chart suggests working with the less clearly defined psychological drives such as compassion, creativity, and spirituality. Your sensitivity to subtle emotional connections among all people increases your concern for certain individuals in particular and humanity as a whole. You are able to acquire information through intuitive and psychic insights. Dealing with these subtle themes can lead to some uncertainty and confusion in the thinking process. Increased intuitive or psychic awareness can precede the ability to weigh this information for its accuracy. It is sometimes difficult to discriminate between what is really psychic and what is more closely akin to worry, fear, or false hope. It is also difficult to find practical applications for idealistic concepts and inspirations which are represented by this combination. Therefore, stress can sometimes be associated with the more spiritual manifestations of Neptune-Mercury aspects.
Mercury Aspects Uranus Uranus-Mercury aspects suggest that you are open to new ideas which may take the form of new information you are learning or new concepts you are developing yourself. These aspects can show great creativity since they imply that the individual is able to approach problems from many different angles and is not locked into one structured way of thinking. Use this time to be innovative and original. Brainstorm with others. But, because your mind is somewhat unstructured, your ability to think clearly may be interrupted by erratic impulses and an inability to concentrate over any length of time. New information may be more exciting than reorganizing what you already know. If you must work on a major project that requires sustained mental energy, take frequent breaks.
Mercury Aspects Saturn Saturn aspecting Mercury suggests a more serious and structured perception of reality. Life is organized in such a way that decisions and changes have serious consequences. Choices may be studied in depth before decisions are made. For some, there will be no good and clear choice. Dilemma situations can plague the Mercury-Saturn combination. It is likely that at least one major decision will be made during the year. Sometimes this decision is made under stress and usually it involves great responsibility. For these reasons, the individual tends to be conservative. He or she is looking for changes that produce greater stability, not chaos.
Mercury Aspects Mars Mars-Mercury aspects suggest an energetic thought process. This can be a time of great mental energy and an active search for knowledge. Your mind should be quick and alert, though not necessarily highly retentive. Learning can be very exciting and self-perpetuating even if you study alone.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY 18TH BIRTHDAY...that is 366 days away.. haha
03 May 2007
HAHAHA.. today me and huifen SWITCHED PLACES IN MATH LECTURE!!! Did anyone noticed??? i think a few lah...
Cause it's like i saw huifen outside the lecture.. then with her friends... then suddenly some1 say.. "why not u 2 switch places??" WAAAA...at first real scared...cause never do anything like tat before... WE ARE TOO GUAI.. then the more i think, the more i feel "WHY NOT??"
Then we decided to switched.. huifen changed her bag with me.... HAHA..
At that moment when we enter the lecture... a sensation of nothing on earth suffused thru me... so EXCITING!! HAHA
Then, huifen's guardian is MIchelle and HIlda!! my guardians are just the 3 girls in huifen's classss...then i just sit there... so shiok
Then slowly huifen's class cum in.. suddenly Rosanne nudge me and say "that guy with black spects...ASK FOR $18!" Cause huifen's treasurer in her class... then huifen is known in her class as "LOANSHARK"..
I then quickly shout out that person's name, "hey $18!!" then he really bent down and take his wallet out!! WAHAHAHA.. I WAS TRYING TO REMAIN CALM THERE...laughing like hell in my heart... then he only give $12.. then i realised i Was DAMN LUCKY TODAY.. cause that guy never pay class fund.. if he pay, he will only pay at most $2.. IM SO LUCKY ! $12 AT FIRST CALLL !! HAHA
haha.. FREE money !! no lah.. I got pass the 'ransom' to huifen's friend.. then Huifen's friend Joshua.. keep saying "HUIFEN!! HUIFEN!!" I never realised until huifen's friend nudge me..
"HAAAAAAA?" I quickly turn to the back.. "EH, did i OWN U ANY MONEY?"
I was like "ooo, hmm.." HAHAHA HOW I KNOW!!!??? I'm not huifen lor...
"HMM, i think u got owe.." haha. so damn fun!!
Then joshua keep saying "huifen huifen..."then he suddenly shout "HUIFANG!!"
i turn back. I TURN BACK!! I TURN BACK MAN!!
waa lao.. not attentive enough..the prank was exposed!!! haha..
Then my class mates all sit below me... I FEEL SO SPECIAL..a very special feeling.. Like im UP ON THE SKY AND WATCHING MYSELF DOWN THERE...Like im a third person... and all my classmates are down there...INCLUDING ME..
Then i noticed Shaun ask huifen something and turn to the back and front to look at us.. haha.. i think from references of my friends all around.. he did not realised bah... Anum also tell me she was fooled during PW LESSON.. so funny!! I NEVER KNOW TWINS HAVE SUCH PRIVILIGE!!hahaha and i was so happy and giggling like mad up there... and Joshua keep SHOUTING " HUIFEN! DID I OWE U ANY MONEY.... HUIFEN!!" to HUIFEN DOWN THERE!! NOT TO ME!! HAHA so damn funny.. he already noticed we CHANGED.. then i forget to turn to him to answer his quest.... diao..
I NEED MORE EXPERIENCE BEFORE CONDUCTING THIS 'TEST' AGAIN!! haha.. im going to have sudden 'experiments' again.. hehe.. so interesting today!!
(TO ALL IDENTICAL TWINS IN THE WORLD: u shld try changing places every once in a blue moon...IT'S UR PRIVILIGE!!!) :)
Cause it's like i saw huifen outside the lecture.. then with her friends... then suddenly some1 say.. "why not u 2 switch places??" WAAAA...at first real scared...cause never do anything like tat before... WE ARE TOO GUAI.. then the more i think, the more i feel "WHY NOT??"
Then we decided to switched.. huifen changed her bag with me.... HAHA..
At that moment when we enter the lecture... a sensation of nothing on earth suffused thru me... so EXCITING!! HAHA
Then, huifen's guardian is MIchelle and HIlda!! my guardians are just the 3 girls in huifen's classss...then i just sit there... so shiok
Then slowly huifen's class cum in.. suddenly Rosanne nudge me and say "that guy with black spects...ASK FOR $18!" Cause huifen's treasurer in her class... then huifen is known in her class as "LOANSHARK"..
I then quickly shout out that person's name, "hey $18!!" then he really bent down and take his wallet out!! WAHAHAHA.. I WAS TRYING TO REMAIN CALM THERE...laughing like hell in my heart... then he only give $12.. then i realised i Was DAMN LUCKY TODAY.. cause that guy never pay class fund.. if he pay, he will only pay at most $2.. IM SO LUCKY ! $12 AT FIRST CALLL !! HAHA
haha.. FREE money !! no lah.. I got pass the 'ransom' to huifen's friend.. then Huifen's friend Joshua.. keep saying "HUIFEN!! HUIFEN!!" I never realised until huifen's friend nudge me..
"HAAAAAAA?" I quickly turn to the back.. "EH, did i OWN U ANY MONEY?"
I was like "ooo, hmm.." HAHAHA HOW I KNOW!!!??? I'm not huifen lor...
"HMM, i think u got owe.." haha. so damn fun!!
Then joshua keep saying "huifen huifen..."then he suddenly shout "HUIFANG!!"
i turn back. I TURN BACK!! I TURN BACK MAN!!
waa lao.. not attentive enough..the prank was exposed!!! haha..
Then my class mates all sit below me... I FEEL SO SPECIAL..a very special feeling.. Like im UP ON THE SKY AND WATCHING MYSELF DOWN THERE...Like im a third person... and all my classmates are down there...INCLUDING ME..
Then i noticed Shaun ask huifen something and turn to the back and front to look at us.. haha.. i think from references of my friends all around.. he did not realised bah... Anum also tell me she was fooled during PW LESSON.. so funny!! I NEVER KNOW TWINS HAVE SUCH PRIVILIGE!!hahaha and i was so happy and giggling like mad up there... and Joshua keep SHOUTING " HUIFEN! DID I OWE U ANY MONEY.... HUIFEN!!" to HUIFEN DOWN THERE!! NOT TO ME!! HAHA so damn funny.. he already noticed we CHANGED.. then i forget to turn to him to answer his quest.... diao..
I NEED MORE EXPERIENCE BEFORE CONDUCTING THIS 'TEST' AGAIN!! haha.. im going to have sudden 'experiments' again.. hehe.. so interesting today!!
(TO ALL IDENTICAL TWINS IN THE WORLD: u shld try changing places every once in a blue moon...IT'S UR PRIVILIGE!!!) :)
01 May 2007
oh.......something is going to HAPPEN... haha
Our class got blog!!http://pjc07s17.blogspot.com/ And im the AUTHOR AND THE ADMIN!!
haha.. actually just ONE of the author and admins... :)
And this week is much more relax... no tests.. napha maybe.. but ok for me...
But.. next week is going TO BE DAMN BUSY!!! And this week im going to interview another person for my YRC...to interview someone who take photograph of marine life... IN THE SEA!!! WOO HOO!! FUN!!!I long time no swim... AND I MISS THE SILK OF THE WATER RUBBING AGAINST ME...maybe during june holi lor.. sob...
k, end here for now...but just to say...REMEMBER 5566,REMEMBER 5 YUE 6 HAO.. REMEMBER MAY 6..cause something GONNA HAPPEN!! hahahahaha..... :)
Our class got blog!!http://pjc07s17.blogspot.com/ And im the AUTHOR AND THE ADMIN!!
haha.. actually just ONE of the author and admins... :)
And this week is much more relax... no tests.. napha maybe.. but ok for me...
But.. next week is going TO BE DAMN BUSY!!! And this week im going to interview another person for my YRC...to interview someone who take photograph of marine life... IN THE SEA!!! WOO HOO!! FUN!!!I long time no swim... AND I MISS THE SILK OF THE WATER RUBBING AGAINST ME...maybe during june holi lor.. sob...
k, end here for now...but just to say...REMEMBER 5566,REMEMBER 5 YUE 6 HAO.. REMEMBER MAY 6..cause something GONNA HAPPEN!! hahahahaha..... :)
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