HEYHEYHEYHEY!! IM BACK! 4 a while. haha.
WA! 1 month never update can say this is a MONTHLY BLOG. OH! Got back my mid year exam RESULTS. Can say it's QUITE GOOD. :) At least show that i have the potential! gotten back the confidence in study which i had lost sincee...SEC 1.
haha waa last time pri 5: 1ST IN CLASS AND COHORD (cause there is only one class). Pri 6 : 3 rd. Sec 1 : 2nd IN COHORD. Sec2 :5th or above 10.
Sec3 : 15th there.. Sec4 : bottom of class. LOL. JC 1 (2007) : RETAINED.
Now after 1 MORE YEAR... yeah! at least improved. =) Dun want to write the individual sub results here. later ppl say i HaoLian. overall grades: AABCD. tats it. lol want to know more come and ask me PERSONALLY. haha
Today went to clear storeroom. at least TRY to clear. haha. then saw a lot of teddy bears.. I MEAN A LOT. haha below are 3 BEARS. given not long ago by young cousin. U want i can give u haha.
2ND BEAR: watch it transform!
3RD BEAR: There's no blood cause it has been censored. HAHA

WA! 1 month never update can say this is a MONTHLY BLOG. OH! Got back my mid year exam RESULTS. Can say it's QUITE GOOD. :) At least show that i have the potential! gotten back the confidence in study which i had lost sincee...SEC 1.
haha waa last time pri 5: 1ST IN CLASS AND COHORD (cause there is only one class). Pri 6 : 3 rd. Sec 1 : 2nd IN COHORD. Sec2 :5th or above 10.
Sec3 : 15th there.. Sec4 : bottom of class. LOL. JC 1 (2007) : RETAINED.
Now after 1 MORE YEAR... yeah! at least improved. =) Dun want to write the individual sub results here. later ppl say i HaoLian. overall grades: AABCD. tats it. lol want to know more come and ask me PERSONALLY. haha
Today went to clear storeroom. at least TRY to clear. haha. then saw a lot of teddy bears.. I MEAN A LOT. haha below are 3 BEARS. given not long ago by young cousin. U want i can give u haha.
2ND BEAR: watch it transform!
3RD BEAR: There's no blood cause it has been censored. HAHA

Somehow.. it think the below pictures looks the same as those above. Isnt it? lol
=) ok. thats all for my MONTHLY BLOG. next month come and see if i had updated. lol.
BYEEEEEEEEEEEE! LUV U! haha (ps. eh.. 'U' means my teddy bears haha)