SEE THE PICTURE ON TOP? Those who dunno abt these yellow tickets should be 'huh?wat is that' but for THOSE who KNOW and DESPERATE TO GO...i bet your eyes are popping out right now lol hahaha! yeash i got the tickets! and not just a few..its 6! AND ALL IS YELLOW TICKETS. and the best part is... THEY ARE ALL FREE. no kidding. :)
Ok i shall explain. These tickets are to the first time ever held SGEAWARDS 2009 IN SINGAPORE organise by radio 1003 and http://www.omy.sg/. 新加坡E乐大赏 Singapore Entertainment Awards 2009 held on 7 March 2009 (sat) on the Marina Bay Floating Platform!
AND HOW DO I GET THE TICKETS? 1st we got 2 tickets. i think is last sat me and my twin go causeway point to support LIANG WEN YING 梁文音 autograph session. then they are also promoting this SGEAWARDS thing and banners place around the stage. then after watching finish, we go around exploring.
then comes the 重点.
we saw a table and theres banner beside say can buy tickets BEST SEATS at $148 and we saw a table with stacks of tickets there,blue green yellow. then while we were thinking whether to buy cause we also dun think we can win free tickets by lucky draw, so was deciding. THEN a guy came forward.
GUY: Are u interested in attending this(sgeawards)? u can go and buy a WAN BAO newspaper to get a pair of free tickets.
ME: Oh. U mean we send lucky draw form in wan bao to somewhere?
FEN: U mean can exchange a wan bao for FREE tickets NOW?
GUY: NOW!!!!
Lol i remember i was still overcoming from surprise and shock when huifen start pulling me away and say WE NEED TO GET 1 WAN BAO! lol i tot we need to send lucky draw form or wat..and its just exchange of free tickets RIGHT ON THE SPOT.
We started running to 7eleven. saw a grp of girls obviously also finding wan bao. and nowhere in sight. SOLD. then we realise got a NTUC at another building across the road. so we RUN all the way to ntuc, REALLY RUN. lucky theres newspaper there, quickly queue , pay, RUN. RAN UNTIL THE COUNTER where i see some ppl already queuing up. if i bought the newspaper and cannot get the tickets, I WILL KILL MYSELF lol. HAHA so extreme. Then huifen go get it and she chose the yellow tickets which i believe is in the MIDDLE SECTION of the PLATFORM. :)
A few days later,we got an envelope. open it up. Inside, a letter to my sis. AND 4 YELLOW TICKETS -> she had won 4 FREE TICKETS IN THE SMS LUCKY DRAW. -.- dunno shld be happy or sad. we ran and tire ourselves to get 2 tickets, and yet now we got another 4 more tickets without a sweat. but on the bright side, my whole family can go! and we still have addition 1 extra ticket. UNBELIEVABLE. ...long story huh lol
the day of cca exhibition... the last cca exhibtion ..
If only i can also go for his autograph session ON NEXT FRI, AT SIMEI which is horribly far from where i live........HAI...think of his autograph session i feel sad again..if only we dun have that stupid cross-campus run........*cry*,hope can still make it on time to sign cd when i reach approximately 8 pm lol..