and what do u all do for the second before 2010 and after? I was with my family at sun plaza there,waiting for the fireworks! haha first time ever we can go home after celebration without needing to take the mrt or bus! cool! and the fireworks are BETTER than wat i had expected haha at least got 5 mins leh...:)
And i had a job! UNIVERSAL STUDIOS! cool rite? im selling tickets there so maybe when u all come to play i can see u! haha but no discount.I had just ended another 3 days there, first 2 days are to reherse on how to stand and wait and wave and cheer for the vip that was coming ytd. then ytd finally is the real thing... and the vip is.. MM LKY! hahaha quite excited to see him then keep waving and waving despite of the sore pain on my feet because i had been standing at the same spot for 2 hours..waiting for the vip haha.then we got to position at the carpark there, clap and cheer goodbyes to them..and everyone are like wild there, cheering like mad haha...very fun at that moment..i saw MM like a bit tired already and wave his hand a little bit..i think hes getting sleepy haha...
and i had tour the theme park, took some photos but i cannot post them on net cause will get fired if find if u want see COME AND FIND ME! hahaha show u the pics on my hp :)
and this year we also celebrated angeline's birthday 4th of jan, same age as me now! AHHAA! and our plan to go to Marina Barrage are spoilt because of our we miss the stop and in the end we need to go back to the same place where we take the shuttle bus,then when we waited for the bus to go back to marina barrage, the bus driver say the bus break so as it is 12pm already we decided not to torture ourselevs anymore with big sun and dusty roads, so we go to dhobyghaut (or somerset?) to eat in a restaurant that have free flow of ice cream and drink. i cant eat much so i also did not eat much ice cream after the food..
and i pretend to go toilet with xinyi but the real purpose is to light the candle and bring the pathetic fruit tarts to her and sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY song. lol then we gave her the kite and our cards and after that we go to cineleisure to take neoprints! haha first time take after a lot of years ... like 4 ? haha quite fun but because all the machines are in jap we dunno what to do and results in lots of confusion haha..hectic ..
below are some nicer ones haha,the rest are in fb.