Yeah!! Finally after searching far and wide for the One, I hit another Milestone of my life..
Right on my birthday 6 May 2021, with the most beautiful proposal that I ever wanted!
Still remember what I feel when I heard that my sisters got engaged, and thinking when will I even find the One. & now I also finally joined the group. Life is such a mystery 😝
That day we met at City Hall to walk around 5pm, and he surprised me wearing the most formal shirt he had and a beautiful rose bouquet. Then we walked to the esplanade, sweating like mad under the hot day, and after loitering around he bring me towards Fullerton. I thought he had booked a restaurant in the hotel, but he booked an even better location, Monti, that was built right on top of the water! It was so beautiful and I was so happy with the wonderful location and good food.
Unluckily the restaurant was also fully booked (on a weekday somemore!) and was quite noisy. He was getting more nervous by the minute while I was still quite oblivious to the fact that there will be a bigger surprise. After going to the restroom, I came back and was surprised with a birthday cake by the waiter. Then after a song by him and blowing out the candles, he pulled out a Humungous photo album from his backpack and say its for me. He compiled the past 4 years' photos of us and I was already sensing that I may saw the words "Will you marry me?" at the end.
In the end there was no words like that, so I was like "oh so he not going propose". Then when I was thinking that its such a pity because now is such a good time, he suddenly took out a box from his bag and open it...upside down 😂 Haha! But he did quickly kneeled down very close to my chair, and popped the question.😍 Till now I don't really remember what he say, but I remember feeling very touched and also want him to quickly stand up cause really too much people around 😝 Then I say "YES!" and he put the beautiful ring on my finger. The feeling was indescribable, so overwhelmed with happiness and surprise. After that then I started realised what had happened, that I'm engaged and I started crying 😭 Luckily not too much hahaha but really touched and felt so so happy 😍
Finally, I will like to thank my wonderful Fiancé (Not boyfriend liao) for planning the surprises and giving me the proposal that was everything that I dream of. Thanks for setting up surprises for me and coming up with that wonderful photo album when you are so busy. He even told me he worked on it till 3am before the day, Xinku le! I'm so happy to me your Fiancée too! 💏
My favorite love story is ours.