04 September 2023

8 Months and less than 2 months left!

As what they says, time flies! Initially it was an agony waiting for 2nd trimester to come, i cant bear to hold my pregnancy as a secret esp at work as i feel really unwell and yet i cant say anything. Then 2nd trimester is like a breeze, i can finally eat all the oily food without getting nauseous, like roti prata and tori Q haha! Then suddenly now week 32, going week 33 this week! 

We really hope baby will stay in tummy for longer as lately my Big Sis just gave birth at week 35. Its really sudden and everything was not ready. After learning this, me and BB got scared and we have washed baby clothes, sterilize the baby bottles and pumps stuff yesterday so we can packed them into the hospital bag.

Still got lots of things havent done: the mattress for baby cot, baby's standing bath tub, buy baby laundry detergent, etc. But we done a couple of others like settling my confinement meals, getting a free baby cot, getting the essentials like baby bottles, etc. I also now going to slowly stop working, like write finish my appraisal and didnt spend much time as i really dont feel i will get good grades, writing my handover already. 

Oh ya speaking of my sister pregnant, the day when she announce her preg is also the same day as me! Just that she already week 13 and im like 6 only. Cause i cant wait to break the news as i feel very tired and keep retching. then i initally show my ultrasound first then JH say teddy also wearing Big brother shirt. then im like thinking how will the dog wear that shirt in advance before i say? Then turns out Teddy wear the shirt cause my Sis is pregnant also! So mind blown for all of us hahahah . But i think its good that i revealed on the same day so we get double surprise!💖

Hope my last stretch of pregnancy goes smoothly and i have a smooth labour, nothing unexpected. I know its gg to be tough but i will stay strong for my baby who is kicking me in my tummy. Lately baby's movements are so strong i can see waves and kicks and my whole tummy shakes haha. Truth be told, i will miss my pregnancy as i really quite enjoy at the last parts like i can take cab when i need to go out, and everyone is so accommodating  to me haha like kind ppl will give up seats, or colleagues also tell me to go home early when i was in office. Also not too much work stress and i can WFH! keke

Hui Fang Jiayo! Hope baby and you stay healthy and happy!👶👪