20 March 2007


omg...im going to die...for my 2.4......What's 2.4? 2.4KM LOR!!!!!
I dun know why the ministry want s us to run..i mean..run for so long for what? like if war come..we can run to malaysia?? i think so bah.....i think i hear from somewhere the causeway is like 2.4 long.....But why the heck are we running to another country? what if its' s that side cum attacking us? and we are like millions of ppl running on the causeway....won't it collaspsed? so wierd.training us to run...
OK, maybe it's should be an exercise for us to maintain healthy..and i now really began to realised im getting slower.....Cause last time primary sch i can run non-stop and be the first few....then from SEC 2..i began to slow down....suc*s........last time i sec 1 run SECOND for 1.5km FOR SPORT DAY....now i can't even run non-stop for 1 km...die....i need to exercise more.....ok..i'll do sumthing about this......

But can sum one smoothen the path at the canal first?

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