19 October 2008

Are You True To Your Zodiac Sign, Taurus?

QUIZ: Are You True To Your Zodiac Sign, Taurus?

YOUR RESULT: You scored 1-12: You are a true Taurus!
You are affectionate, determined and stubborn - a true Taurus! You enjoy good food and creature comforts and may overindulge from time to time. You are calm and easy-going until provoked - then watch out! You spend a great deal of energy in the pursuit of material possessions and material security. Your disposition is pleasant and you love affection.

Quiz Answers:
1)TRUE. Taurus people devote a great deal of time and effort to obtaining material possessions. You work hard to achieve the lifestyle you desire and feel that what you have reflects who you are. Material possessions provide a source of comfort and stability for the Taurus person.

2)TRUE. Taurus, the sign of the bull, is the most stubborn sign in the zodiac. The more someone pushes you, the more obstinate you become. A little coaxing and an affectionate gesture is all it takes to soften your stubborn streak, however.

3)FALSE. Taurus' are typically calm and easy-going - but watch out when someone has pushed you too far! It takes a lot to get you angry; but once you get angry, it is difficult to calm you down.

4)TRUE. You crave affection and love to touch and be touched. You enjoy lots of hugs and love to cuddle.

5)FALSE. Taurus' are calm and can be somewhat lazy at times. You are definitely not the nervous type! You love to relax and you are very laid-back.

6)TRUE. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, many Taurus people have artistic talent or creative ability. Perhaps you enjoy painting or graphic design. Whatever your talent, your unmistakable Taurus flair is always evident.

7)TRUE. Taurus' are very tactile people and tend to have highly developed sense of touch. You are attracted to sensual, touchy-feely types who love to cuddle. Affection is very important to you in a romantic relationship.

8)TRUE. Your overindulgent nature sometimes causes you to overeat and drink too much. Unfortunately, your tendency to overindulge can cause you to gain weight. Taurus people would benefit a great deal by practicing moderation.

9)TRUE. After others have given up and moved on, Taurus still perseveres. Your determination is legendary and no other sign in the zodiac can match your staying power.

10)FALSE. Taurus' like to blend in and try not to draw attention to themselves. You are conservative in the way you dress and speak and you tend to be quiet and unassuming in public.

(LOL...just now nearly post on 08s20 blog..scare hell out of me.. lol)

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